About the Service

I am a New York City-based film critic and feature writer with over 25 years' experience as a freelance, contributing and staff writer. My current outlets include Cineaste, a print publication, and Awards Watch, an online magazine. I am the film columnist for the consumer magazine Ambassador where I write about Italian film and, occasionally, travel, as well as articles about notable Italians and Italian-Americans.

I hold an M.A. in cinema studies, and I am the author of a scholarly study of quest films. Among dozens of magazines and newspapers, my work has appeared in the L.A. Times, local venues such as The Brooklyn Eagle, and in Film Journal International where I was a contributing writer for over 20 years before the magazine's demise in 2018. I attend international film festivals as credentialed press, about twice a year, most recently the Toronto Film Festival and the New York Film Festival.

Approved Rotten Tomatoes Critic's Page.

Rates for coverage start at $300 for reviews; $450 for features. Film festival coverage requires a written contract, and fees may differ. As a journalist, I adhere to the ethical standards of that profession. References are available upon request.