About the Service

My publications include two novels, two collections of poetry and a collection of short stories. I'm a writer of fiction, nonfiction, and poetry, and have taught creative writing at Western Illinois University for fifteen years, and have been a guest writer at the Institute of American Indian Arts. I am also low-res faculty for the MFA at Regis University for CNF. My work has appeared or is forthcoming in numerous journals including Buzzfeed, Boulevard, Lithub, The Writer's Chronicle, Bitch, Waxwing and The Kenyon Review. I'll be faculty at Breadloaf in 2021, am a Kenyon Review Writers Workshop Scholar, attended the Tin House Summer Workshop, and have been chosen as a narrative artist for the Meow Wolf Denver installation. www.erikatwurth.com

Please respond with inquiries that include details about your project, including form (poetry, fiction, nonfiction), genre (the essay, SFF/speculative, literary), word count and whether you'd like a big picture edit and/or a line edit, and I can give you an estimation. 

(Note: I'm Native American, but I'm not interested in any material by non-natives with Native characters, nor in doing sensitivity reads).