About the Service

As a fellow author, I know how important it is to have an editor who is insightful, skilled, and respectful. Did I say unflinching? That too.

As much as we all wish someone would tell us, "Don't change a word. It's perfect," engaging an editor who will tell you only what you want to hear is a waste of your time and money.

I am not a yes-man. I will tell you what works and what doesn't and why.

I'll also give you a rare glimpse into the mind of your reader by providing you with a running commentary in the margins of your manuscript.

• I'll tell you what makes me laugh, moves me to tears, puts me on the edge of my seat, makes me want to punch the villain, dance for joy, or kiss the hero.
• I'll tell you what's confusing me, or taking me out of the story, or making me impatient for the story to move forward.
• I'll tell you exactly what my reaction is, in real time, as I'm reading your book.
• Plus I'll give you a separate analysis document (typically around 20-35 single-spaced pages) with detailed notes on how your book works as a whole, broken down by applicable storytelling elements, as well as additional chapter-by-chapter notes and tracking.

I'll reveal the strengths and talents that you already possess--and show you how to build upon and multiply those strengths:

• I'll do a breakdown of what works well in your book and show you the mechanics of it so that you can apply those skills and talents to other areas that need it.
• I'll provide specific, detailed suggestions on how to fix what isn't working well and improve what could work better.

Encouragement is key. I am your ally, your supporter, your elevating, inspiring, force-of-nature professional who has great joy in seeing you succeed.

When I was working on my first novel, people liked to say that first-time novelists have a better chance at winning the lottery than getting published.

I ignored the naysayers and ended up with a significant two-book deal with a major publisher.

That is why I am passionate about helping other writers realize their dreams. I look forward to helping you realize yours.

Whether you are a seasoned author or in the first stages of your first book or proposal, I can provide what you need.

Not sure what/whom exactly you're looking for? I offer a free initial consultation.

Email me and let's set up a time to talk. In your email, tell me about yourself, your book, and what you hope to achieve. In advance of our call, please feel free to send me the first ten double-spaced pages of your book-length work, or the first three double-spaced pages of your shorter work. Please send it as a Word doc.
• During our call, we can talk about what your ideal editor might be like, how I might be of service, and my thoughts on your pages. If we seem like we might be a good match, I'll draw up a proposal for you with a fee quote. If all is acceptable and we decide to work together, we can proceed from there.

My range of services, customized for your needs:

• Comprehensive, in-depth analysis of your manuscript.
• Storytelling tips and techniques, including demonstrating ways to "show, don't tell."
• Detailed, constructive feedback that serves as a blueprint for revisions.
• Developmental expertise to help you refine your concept, story and character arc, theme, scope, structure, and/or style.
• Coaching you to go beyond what you thought was possible.
• Expert, on-the-page editing for content, structure, and style.
• Writing and/or editing your book proposal.
• Customized, one-on-one guidance and coaching in storytelling techniques, built around your work in progress.
• Query letters, synopses, author bios.
• Jacket copy, web copy, blog posts, social media posts, and newsletters.
• Consulting, research, publishing strategy, and more.
• One-stop book project management for indie/self-published authors.

For more details, go to freelancebookeditor.com, my editorial services site; my publishersmarketplace.com page; or my blog of writing tips and inspiration, such as:

How NOT to hate writing a book proposal.
How to give your query submissions the best chance possible and avoid mistakes.
The cure for writer's block.
Must-see movies for writers who want a life-affirming shot of inspiration and can-do energy.
More, on my tips and inspiration page.