About the Service

As a writing coach, my mission is twofold: to help writers finish their first drafts and approach their writing process as a source of discovery. I want my clients to benefit from everything I've learned about the creative process from working as a freelance journalist (published in outlets including The Guardian, New York magazine, and NPR Berlin) to becoming a Big 5-published author (Driving Hungry, Vintage/2016).

As a creator, I understand the joy and terror of facing the blank page. I know how exhilarating it feels when the words are flowing. I also know how devastating it feels when Resistance keeps us from doing our most meaningful work.

In the process of helping clients complete their manuscripts, I focus on four main areas: making space for their writing practice, working through blocks, tapping into sources of inspiration, and sustaining their enthusiasm for their project. My coaching practice has a limited number of places, and I only work with writers whose books I can envision in the world, whether fiction or nonfiction.

How do we figure out whether we want to work together? The first step is an initial coaching conversation in which we'll explore your writing goals, your current writing practice, and the possibilities for your writing project.  

There is no fee for this initial conversation and no obligation to book additional coaching. 

This conversation is designed to give you the tools you need to jumpstart your writing project as well as help us determine whether I might be able to help you finish your book. 

Contact me if you're interested in setting up an exploratory conversation about your writing project.