About the Service


I have experience in publishing, writing, editing, and the business of writing. I can provide a kind and truthful perspective on your work-in-progress, with an eye toward publishing and a successful writing career.

I've developed a following from a few friends into thousands. I've pitched literary magazines, worked with editors, and edited writing in my role as a contributing editor for the Curator Magazine. I'm an experienced online marketer, with special skills in social media marketing, author branding, and entrepreneurship. I hold a degree in Creative Writing from the prestigious Wheaton College (IL).

I offer a complimentary 10-minute phone call with each client-to-be to see if my services are the right fit for you—I love to make new friends, so don't be shy!



A Pitch, Essay, or Book Proposal Review
Project Rate: $75-700
For shorter projects, I provide a basic read-through with brief feedback.

Cost: Pitch Review ($75 for up to 2 pitches) | Essay Review ($300 for up to 15 pages) | Book Proposal Review ($700 for up to 50 pages)

What You Get:

-I will read and mark-up your manuscript and/or pitches.
-One page of notes with questions to consider and suggestions for improvement.
-Choice between: a second read of your pitches with a second round of feedback (after editing based on my feedback) OR a 30-minute phone call to discuss your work & writing goals.

Brief Manuscript/Sample Chapters Review (~50 Pages)
Project Rate: $700
For a book-length work, I offer a manuscript/ sample chapters review (up to 50 pages).

Sometimes all you need is a good reader to get you on the right track. This service is ideal for writers in the middle of a writing project, where an incomplete draft can be reviewed and the writer just needs an outsider's input on what themes to explore further, how to structure the remaining writing, and where to trim.

What You Get:

-I will read your entire draft, as-is (up to 50 pages).
-One page of notes with questions to consider and suggestions.
-Plus notes about where I see the draft fitting within the current publishing market and what might make your work more attractive to an agent or publishing house.
-A 30-minute phone call to discuss your work & writing goals.

Content Edit of Book-Length Manuscript (~250 pages)
Project Rate: $1200
Once your book-length draft is finished and you've begun editing, I can provide a thorough content edit for your book-length manuscript (up to 250 pages).

What You Get: 

-A full read-through of your manuscript, from cover to cover.
-Detailed notes providing evaluations of each chapter, character, the voice/point of view, the form and structure of the work, the audience, and the effectiveness of all of these in enhancing the themes you're exploring or story you're telling in the work.
-Plus insights about where the work fits within the current publishing market, other books to read as inspiration or market comparison, points to consider including in a book proposal, the audience I see as most relevant for this work, and specific ideas to enhance platform in order to increase your chance of being represented and/or nabbing a publishing deal.
-A 1-hour phone call to discuss your work & writing goals.
-A follow-up edit within six months, where I will review up to 20 pages of revisions you've made, based on my feedback, and I'll provide further thoughts.


Set up your free phone consultation with Liz today!